How to Create Incentives for Circularity in Food System Waste

We’re digging back into waste in the food system this week, but to narrow the focus, we’re zooming in on Australia. Australia is a country that has set specific targets on waste reduction, but so far, is largely on track to miss them, and companies all along the value chain are contributing.

Alongside our broader discussion of overall waste targets in the country, we take a more focused look at a case study of sorts: a meal kit delivery company that deals with a diversity of waste streams– from ingredients to packing to fuel.

Today, you’ll hear from Gayle Sloan, CEO at Waste Management and Resource Recovery Association of Australia, and Tom Rutledge, CEO and Founder of HelloFresh Australia.

In this episode, our guests speak about:

  • The waste reduction targets in Australian, and what action will likely be required to meet those targets by 2030
  • How food system waste fits into the broader waste landscape
  • How to change incentives for food businesses around addressing waste
  • How companies are thinking about and prioritizing waste reduction efforts

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Key takeaways

  • [00:06:35] Existing examples of waste reduction efforts in food
  • [00:12:37] What happened with Red Cycle
  • [00:22:35] Three ways HelloFresh Australia is thinking about waste reduction

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