Unconventional Farmer-led Finance Strategies with Quint Pottinger

Despite challenging conditions in financial markets the world over, ambitious entrepreneurs find a way. There are few sectors where that is more true than in agriculture, and despite the industry’s reputation for convention and conservatism, challenging times call for creative measures, and farmers are nothing if not creative. 

To learn more about innovative farm business models and the cutting edge of farm financial strategies, we invited Quint Pottinger, Owner of Affinity Farms in Kentucky, USA. Quint is not only bringing in hedge fund investors, he’s selling all his crops– corn, soybeans, wheat, and rye– into specialty markets and finding hefty premiums for doing so, all while improving his local community’s sustainability and creating a transformed future food system where his farm will thrive.

This week, Quint shares his journey and discusses what he’s learned about: 

  • Why the current farm financial system promotes intergenerational wealth growth but fails to support innovative project development
  • How he’s tackling a multi-phase plan to turn local grain and spirit production into a closed loop food system benefitting his community and others
  • His vision for the future food system– taking into account climate change, changing demographics, and the increasing desire for less risk in financial markets

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The information in this post is not investment advice or a recommendation to invest. It is general information only and does not take into account your investment objectives, financial situation or needs. Before making an investment decision you should read the information memorandum and seek financial advice from a professional financial adviser. Whilst we believe Information is correct, no warranty of accuracy, reliability or completeness.

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Key takeaways

  • [00:09:31] Starting with bagged corn for deer feed
  • [00:14:18] Affinity Farm’s Three Pillars of Sustainability
  • [00:34:31] The transformational future of the farm

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