AgTech News …So What? July 2024 with Shane Thomas

This week, we’re breaking down the freshest announcements from the agribusiness, agtech, and broader policy and tech worlds to share insights and ask “so what?” 

Sarah and Matthew are joined this week by Shane Thomas, author of Upstream Ag Insights, to tackle:

  • Reading the tea leaves on Alphabet’s announcement that it’ll be licensing out the tech built by it’s moonshot Mineral, an ag-robotics company
  • Why things are heating up right now in the biologicals space and what could be around the corner
  • What’s going on at Benson Hill and what does it mean for the asset-heavy vs. asset-light agtech play going forward
  • Tenacious’ first close of Fund II

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Key takeaways

  • [00:08:08] Exploring examples of biologicals platform model
  • [00:16:33] The “pull-through” problem at Benson Hill
  • [00:25:01] Is Mineral’s business model right for agriculture?

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